The IDEA OSG 1 mission was introduced at the Osaka Metropolitan Rock Festival (METROCK 2017) in Sakai City, Osaka on May 13-14. METROCK is one of the four largest outdoor music festivals held in the spring in Japan. The 2-day event drew in approximately 40,000 visitors, a majority of which were young music enthusiasts in their 20’s.
In addition to live music, the Hoshinowadachi, an organization for the promotion of astronomy education, sponsored a “Star Rock Party” exhibition at the special venue kids area showcasing some of the latest astronomy related innovations. To raise greater awareness on space environment issues, Astroscale Japan and OSG Corporation joined the exhibition as participating partners. Many visitors expressed a deep interest in the topic. After the 2-day event, approximately 700 visitors demonstrated their support for a more sustainable space environment via Instagram.
IDEA OSG 1 official Instagram account ⇒